Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bad News/ But good News

Hello Bloggers,

  Well it’s Tuesday, and I got written up in the dorms. Apparently even if I am 20 something years older I still can’t drink in the dorms. But! I do have some good news, I have decided to move off campus and buy a house. I know it sounds pretty spur of the moment, but I have decided that it would be easier for me to get work done, and focus on my grades, and keg stands will be a lot easier as well, considering my house won’t be a “dry house”. I am swamped with work, but as I am typing this blog now, I am in the library getting some work done. I am thinking of throwing a party on Friday to meet some people, what do you think, is it a good idea? I feel like a nice big house party will def. get me a little more acclimated to the college life. I tell you though; the last couple of days have been tough. I didn’t know college kids drank so much. Back when I was young maybe because the drinking age was younger kids were more responsible, but at the bar the other nights, kids were throwing up, and black out I was amazed. Who knows what the weekend will bring though. It’s Wednesday which is always a nice things, I move into my new house on Friday, so you all will just have to wait for my next blog on Sunday to read about my weekend adventures!

 Until next time,

 Timothy Todd the 3rd 


  1. Uncool dude, same thing happened to me.

  2. Congratulations on the new house! I'll tell ya what, though...I don't know how you can handle these college kids! My daughter and her husband just graduated from college last year and they're driving me up the wall! When did they stop teaching old world values to our young adults?!
