Monday, February 6, 2012

Craziest Thing Happened

Hello Bloggers,

 I want to apologize, first because I had an extremely rough day yesterday, so I apologize this blog is not on time. I know you were all probably wondering where I was. Well I woke up with a hangover for the first time in a very very long time yesterday morning. I went out to this bar on Saturday night which was an absolute blast, met some people, possible new friends. It was nice because they were buying me shots; one was called a mind eraser, now I understand why. On Sunday, I flushed my system with water, water and more water, so I could rehydrate myself, and set up my house for a super bowl party that I invited a few people I met from last night to. Spent all day running errands, and the craziest thing happen to me, I went grocery shopping, and when I got out to my car, I realized I left one more grocery bag inside, so I pulled my car up to the side, threw the hazards on and ran inside, when I came out my car was gone! I couldn’t believe it someone stole my car. I was beyond pissed, because it was just about 5ish, and if I missed the kick off, I probably would have killed someone. So I called the police they came to the grocery store, they asked me questions. I had to put in a request to get the video tapes from the store, so I can go through them. Then 30 minutes later, I see my car pull up. This old lady gets out, and by this point I am confused, I feel like I am in that show with that ashton kuffer guy, or whatever his name is. After all was said and done, I guess the old lady got her black Hyundai  mixed up with my black Mercedes, and once she walked out of the store, she thought her car was mine. I couldn’t help but feel realized, and found it funny in the long end.  Once I got back to the house, I had 30 minutes to spare, to set up and people started coming over, Had a keg full of Rolling Rock, because apparently college kids don’t like good beer. I learned to shot gun a beer, and a few other drinking games, and overall had a great night because the Giants WON!!!! I just love it when those damn New Englanders/ Bostonians are shut upped.

Until Next Time,

 Timothy Todd the 3rd 

1 comment:

  1. Wow man sounds like your acclimating to college life nicely. And that's funny about the little old lady, I actually just got some advice from one and it seems like its really panning out nicely!

